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Indoor walker

Trionic Walker 9er is a compact walker that works both as an indoor walker and an outdoor walker. 

The walker has 9-inch wheels and is a really compact indoor walker. It is equipped with solid PU tyres of a material that is much softer compared to other walkers. The tyres are much softer than the competitors', increasing comfort when, for example, you have to cross a threshold indoors or come across an obstacle outside the town. The tyres also give you an excellent grip for optimal safety at home. Read more about Trionic Walker.

A modern indoor walker works well even out on the town

Our modern indoor walker Walker with 9-inch wheels is a perfect choice if you need walking support at home. Easily get from the sofa to the kitchen or the bathroom to the bedroom. It takes you comfortably over all thresholds and small obstacles found indoors. But if you only have one rollator, you want it also to work well outdoors. With the Walker rollator, you can also take a comfortable walk outside the city without any problems.

If you are going to buy a new walker or indoor rollator, take a look at all our models or read more about buying a walker here.

Indoor rollator - Using walker indoors

That using a walker indoors safely

Using a walker indoors can be a challenge for many people, especially those who are just starting to use one. With the right techniques and tips, using a walker indoors can be easier and more effective. It is important to choose the right type of rollator for indoor use. Many different models are available on the market, including four-wheel, three-wheel and two-wheel models. An indoor walker with four wheels is usually the best option for indoor and outdoor use, as it provides stability and good manoeuvrability.

To use the walker indoors safely and effectively, it is important to have the right attitude. Start by adjusting the handles to the correct height. The handles should be the same height as the wrists when the arms hang down along the sides of the body. This helps prevent strain on the back, shoulders and arms. Then, stand in the middle of the walker and place your hands on the handles. Then, walk forward carefully and keep your head high and your eyes forward. It is important to avoid leaning forward or backwards when using the walker. When walking with the walker indoors, it is important to have a good balance. Keep your feet slightly apart and try to have an even weight distribution. Avoid turning too quickly or suddenly, and take small steps. 

It can also be helpful to have a plan for navigating around your home with your indoor walker. Try to keep the path clear of obstacles, and think about where to pause and turn. If you have furniture in the home, move some things out to create more indoor space for the walker.

A few tips for using a walker indoors:

  • Choose a walker with four wheels for stability and easy manoeuvrability indoors.
  • Be sure to adjust the handles of your indoor walker to the correct height.
  • Walk forward carefully with your head held high and your eyes forward.
  • Be careful when driving over any thresholds or other obstacles.
  • Have a plan for how you navigate around your house or apartment with the indoor walker.
  • If possible, try not to rely on the walker too much but continue to exercise to improve balance and muscle strength.
  • A walker for indoor use can also be used as a serving table.

Indoor walker

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